You guys know that it's a satrical animated show written by some really immature guys, Right?
In real life, Quagmire would never be able to say and do the things he does. He is like those guys who would run from bar to bar in the seventies, trying to get laid as much as possible.
He does have some of the best pick up lines and says it in the funniest way. Enjoy. These are all good.
If I were you I'd do me.
I'm a organ donor. Need anything?
Oh! Sorry, I thought that was a braille named tag.
Nice dress, can I talk you out of it?
Can you count? Then you better count on spending the night.
Can I see your tan lines?
I need someone really bad. Are you really bad. (FUNNY!)
Let's let only latex stand between our love.
Pardon me, but are you a screamer or a moaner?
Don't be a Quagmire, become a great lover with 500 Lovemaking Tips.
The best collection of pick up lines, thanks for sharing.
Pick up Lines
Cheesy Pick up Lines
Funny Pick up Lines
Dirty Pick up Lines
Hilarious Pick up Lines
Hey, good ones. But don't forget, pickup lines only work in particular situations. here are my favorite ones: http://www.thebabbleout.com/best-pick-up-lines/
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