Their research showed that if there was any attraction or interest it was because of other factors. Most of the women who heard some cheesy or even romantic pick up lines responded negatively to them - that is, they reported they felt less attraction to the man saying these lines then before they heard them.
The best ice breaker or introductory lines that worked in the study were: "Hi, my name is _____" or Hey, I wanted to come over and say hi, my name is _____".
Simple and straightforward, these lines, if you want to call them that, are neither funny or offensive but worked because the women who heard them did not feel like they were being picked up for sex. Instead, these ordinary words started normal conversations where the female subjects found the men who used them more attractive then the men who used the corny pick up lines.
Here are some funny pick up lines you should not use:
Can I borrow your library card? [Why?] Cause I'm checking you out.
Drop an ice cube and say 'Now that we've broken the ice, my name is...'
Are you bored? [No, why?] Because i really want to nail you.
Do you believe in love at first sight or do you want me to walk by again?
Are those astronaunt pants? Cause that ass is out of this world!
Are you sure that you're not a microwave oven? Because, you sure make my heart melt!
Your feet must be tired, because you've been running through my mind all day long.
If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together.
If I followed you home, would you keep me?
You must be the cause of global warming!
Are you from Tennessee? [No, why?] Because you're the only 10 I see!
Throw away those lame pick up lines and learn how to become a real player with my little secret book.
These are really the corniest pick up lines ever. Thanks!
Pick up Lines
Cheesy Pick up Lines
Funny Pick up Lines
Dirty Pick up Lines
Hilarious Pick up Lines
Yes, partly agree. I think there are some very clever pickup lines which still work, but all depends on particular situation.
I have collected my favorites, you can check them here: http://www.thebabbleout.com/best-pick-up-lines/
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